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- Primary Schools
- Secondary Schools
- Chemicals
- Junior Cycle Science Student Investigations
- The Biological World
- 01: To use a light microscope
- 02: To obtain a good specimen of plant tissue for viewing under the microscope (onion cells)
- 03: To obtain a good specimen of animal tissue for viewing under the microscope (cheek cells)
- 04: To investigate the digestion of starch by amylase
- 05: To investigate the effect of exercise on heart rate
- 06: To investigate carbon dioxide in inhaled and exhaled air
- 07: To investigate how temperature affects respiration
- 08: To show that light is necessary for photosynthesis
- 09: To extract DNA from kiwi fruit
- 10: To test a food sample for starch
- 11: To test a food sample for glucose
- 12: To test a food sample for protein
- 13: To test a food sample for fat
- 14: To show that microorganisms are present in air
- 15: To investigate the frequency of a particular plant species in a habitat
- The Chemical World
- 16: To measure the melting point of benzoic acid
- 17: To make a mixture of iron and sulfur and then change the mixture into a compound of iron sulfide
- 18: To grow crystals of copper sulfate
- 19: To investigate the effect of temperature on solubility and to use the data obtained to plot a solubility curve
- 20: To separate a mixture of water and soil using filtration
- 21: To separate sodium chloride from a solution of sodium chloride in water
- 22: To separate salt from rock salt using filtration and evaporation
- 23: To obtain a sample of pure water from sea water
- 24: To separate the dyes in a sample of ink using chromatography
- 25: To investigate the pH of a variety of materials
- 26: To investigate if mass is unchanged when a physical change takes place
- 27: To investigate if mass is unchanged when a chemical reaction takes place
- 28: To investigate the effect of the type of reactants on the rate of a reaction
- 29: To investigate the effect of particle size on the rate of a reaction
- 30: To investigate the effect of concentration on the rate of a reaction
- 31: To investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of a reaction
- 32: To investigate the effect of a catalyst on the rate of a reaction
- 33: To titrate hydrochloric acid solution against sodium hydroxide solution and then prepare a sample of sodium chloride
- 34: To investigate the conditions necessary for rusting to occur
- The Physical World
- 35: To find the density of a regular solid
- 36: To find the density of an irregular-shaped object
- 37: To find the density of a liquid
- 38: To use a data logger to measure the speed of an object
- 39: To use a data logger to measure the acceleration of an object
- 40: To investigate the relationship between the extension of a spiral spring and the applied force applied to it
- 41: To build/test a device that transforms energy/performs a function - describe energy changes & ways to improve efficiency
- 42: To show transfer of heat by conduction and to investigate the rate of conduction in different metals
- 43: To show convection currents in a liquid
- 44: To show convection currents in air
- 45: To investigate heat transfer by radiation
- 46: To classify materials as electrical conductors or insulators
- 47: To investigate how the current flowing in a conductor varies with voltage and to determine its resistance
- 48: To investigate the operation of a diode
- 49: To investigate the operation of a light-emitting diode
- 50: To investigate the operation of a light-dependent resistor
- 51: To investigate the operation of a thermistor
- The Biological World
- Leaving Certificate Mandatory Student Experiments
- LC Agricultural Science
- SPA 10.1 - To investigate the complexity associated with genetic inheritance of traits by hybridising two varieties
- SPA 12.1 - To compare the plant uniformity from certified and uncertified seed
- SPA 12.2 - To investigate the effect of weather and soil conditions on the percentage germination of an agricultural seed
- SPA 12.3 - To investigate the effect of nutrients on growth of a sample of plants & measure their biomass above & below ground
- SPA 14.1 - To determine the dry matter (DM) content of different potato varieties
- SPA 17.1 - To investigate the botanical composition of an old permanent pasture or a new ley
- SPA 17.2 - To investigate the dry matter (DM) content of grass
- SPA 19.1 - To compare the establishment of grass with that of one other crop
- SPA 26.1 - To investigate the quality of a sample of milk over time
- SPA 5.1a - To determine the soil texture of a soil sample by hand testing
- SPA 5.1b - To determine the soil texture of a soil sample by sedimentation
- SPA 5.1c - To determine the soil texture of a soil sample using a soil sieve
- SPA 5.2 - To calculate the percentage water of a soil sample
- SPA 5.3a - To demonstrate capillarity in a compacted soil and an uncompacted soilv
- SPA 5.3b - To compare the infiltration rate of a compacted soil and an uncompacted soil
- SPA 6.1 - To show flocculation in a soil sample
- SPA 6.2 - To demonstrate cation exchange capacity in a soil
- SPA 6.3 - To determine the pH of a soil
- SPA 7.1 - To determine the percentage of matter in a soil sample and convert that to organic carbon
- SPA 7.2 - To isolate and grow bacteria from clover root nodules
- SPA 7.3 - To show the activity of earthworms in a soil and estimate the number of earthworms in a pasture
- Leaving Certificate Biology
- 01: To test for (A) starch, (B) fat, (C) reducing sugars, and (D) protein
- 02: Identify any five fauna and any five flora using a simple key
- 03: Use various apparatus to collect animals andamp plants in an ecosystem
- 04: Conduct a quantiative study of a habitat
- 05: Investigate any three abiotic factors in a selected ecosystem
- 06: Be familiar with and use the light microscope
- 07: Prepare and examine animal and plant cell using the light microscope
- 08 & 09: Investigate the effect of pH and temperature on the rate of enzyme activity
- 10: Investigate the effect of heat denaturation on the rate of catalase activity
- 11: Prepare an enzyme immobilisation and examine its application
- 12: Investigate the influence of light intensity or carbon dioxide on the rate of photosynthesis
- 13: Prepare and show the production of alcohol from yeast
- 14: Conduct any activity to demonstrate osmosis
- 15: Isolate DNA from a plant tissue
- 16: Investigate the growth of leaf yeast using agar plates
- 17: Prepare and examine microscopically the transverse section of a dicotyledonous stem (X100, X400)
- 18: Dissect, display and identify an oxs or sheeps heart
- 19: Investigate the effect of exercise on the breathing rate or pulse rate of a human
- 20: Investigate the effect of IAA growth regulator on plant tissue
- 21: Investigate the effect water, oxygen and temperature on germination
- 22: Use starch agar plates to show digestive activity during germination
- Leaving Certificate Chemistry
- 03.1: To carry out flame tests with salts of lithium, sodium, potassium, barium, strontium and copper
- 06.1a: To detect the presence of chloride ions in aqueous solution
- 06.1b: To detect the presence of sulfate and sulfite ions in aqueous solution
- 06.1c: To detect the presence of carbonate and hydrogencarbonate ions in aqueous solution
- 06.1d: To detect the presence of nitrate ions in aqueous solution
- 06.1e: To detect the presence of phosphate ions in aqueous solution
- 10.1a: To measure the relative molar mass of a volatile liquid using a conical flask
- 10.1b: To measure the relative molar mass of a volatile liquid using a gas syringe
- 13.1: To prepare a standard solution of sodium carbonate
- 13.2: To use a standard solution of sodium carbonate to standardise a given hydrochloric acid solution
- 13.3: To make up a 0.1M solution of sodium hydroxide and standardise it with hydrochloric acid to prepare sodium chloride
- 13.4: To determine the concentration of ethanoic acid in vinegar
- 13.5: To determine the amount of water of crystallisation in hydrated sodium carbonate
- 14.1: To study oxidation-reduction reactions halogens as oxidising agents and displacement reactions of metals
- 15.1: To prepare a solution of ammonium iron (II) sulfate and to standardise it by titration against potasssium permanganate
- 15.2: To determine the amount of iron in an iron tablet
- 15.3: To prepare a solution of sodium thiosulfate and to standardise it by titration against a solution of iodine
- 15.4: To determine the percentage (wv) of hypochlorite in bleach
- 16.1: To monitor the rate of production of oxygen from hydrogen peroxide using manganese dioxide as a catalyst
- 16.2: To study the effect of concentration on the reaction rate of sodium thiosulfate solution and hydrochloric acid
- 16.3: To study the effect of temperature on the reaction rate of sodium thiosulfate solution and hydrochloric acid
- 17.1: To illustrate Le Chateliers Principle by showing the effects of both concentration and temperature changes on the reaction
- 19.1: To demonstrate the total hardness in a water sample using ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (edta)
- 19.2a: To determine the total suspended solids (in p.p.m.) of a sample of water by filtration
- 19.2b: To determine the total dissolved solids (in p.p.m.) of a sample of water by evaporation
- 19.2c: To determine the pH of a sample of water
- 19.3: To measure the amount of dissolved oxygen in a sample of water by means of a redox titration
- 19.4: To estimate the concentration of free chlorine in swimming-pool water or bleach using a comparator or colorimeter
- 21.1: To prepare ethene and examine its properties
- 21.2: To prepare ethyne and examine its properties
- 21.3: To determine the heat of reaction of hydrochloric acid with sodium hydroxide
- 22.1a: To extract clove oil from cloves by steam distillation
- 22.1b: To isolate clove oil (eugenol) from an emulsion of clove oil & water by liquid-liquid extraction using cyclohexane
- 23.1: To prepare a sample of soap
- 23.2a: Reactions of ethanal with (i) potassium permanganate solution, (ii) Fehling's reagent and (iii) silver nitrate
- 23.2b: To study the reactions of ethanoic acid with (i) sodium carbonate, (ii) magnessium and (iii) ethanol
- 23.3: To oxidise phenylmethanol to benzoic acid with potassium permanganate solution in alkaline conditions
- 23.4a: To recrystallise a sample of benzoic acid
- 23.4b: To measure the melting point of benzoic acid
- 23.5a: To separate the components of ink using paper chromatography
- 23.5b: To separate the components of food dyes using thin layer chromatography
- 23.5c: To separate the components of food dyes using column chromatography
- Leaving Certificate Physics
- LC Agricultural Science
- Safety Materials
- Science Products
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Class Investigation Kits
- Equipment
- Ammeter
- Anemometers
- Aneroid Barometers
- Autoclaves and Accessories
- Balances
- Blenders
- Centrifuges
- Drying/Warming Cabinets
- Electric Burners
- Fridges
- Fume Cupboards
- Galvanometers
- Heater Stirrers
- Heating Mantles
- Hotplates
- Immersion Heater
- Incubators
- Joulemeters
- Laboratory Jacks
- Light Meters
- Magnetic Stirrers
- Melting Point Apparatus
- Microtomes
- Microwave Transmitters
- Moisture Analysers
- Motors
- Multimeters
- Ohmmeters
- Oscilloscopes
- Ovens
- pH Meters and Sensors
- Potentiometers
- Power Supplies
- Pumps
- Refractometers
- Ripple Tanks
- Scaler Timers
- Spectral Lamps
- Spectrophotometers
- Van De Graaff Generators
- Voltameters
- Voltmeters
- Water Baths
- Water Stills
- Weather Stations
- Forensics
- Labware
- Absorption Tubes
- Agar Plates and Powder
- Autoclave Bags
- Batteries
- Beakers
- Beehive Shelves
- Bell Jars
- Bench Mats
- Brushes
- Bulbs and Holders
- Bunsen Burners
- Burettes and Accessories
- Calculators
- Centrifuge Tubes
- Chromatography Apparatus
- Clay Pipe Triangles
- Colorimeters
- Combustion Tubes
- Compasses
- Conducting Putty/Paper
- Conical Flasks
- Cork Borers
- Crocodile Clips
- Crucibles
- Cuvettes
- Deflagrating Spoons
- Dispensers
- Dissection
- Draining Racks
- Dropper Bottles
- Dropping Bottles
- Evaporating Basins
- Filter Paper
- Filtration Apparatus
- Forceps
- Fractional Distillation
- Gas Jars and Covers
- Gas Prep. & Collection
- Gas Syringes
- Gauze Wire / Gauze Mats
- Glassware Joint Clips
- Gloves
- Inoculating Loops
- Lab Cushions
- Labels
- LDRs
- LEDs
- Lenses
- Liebig Condensers
- Magnifiers
- Masses
- Measuring Jugs
- Measuring/Graduated Cylinders
- Mirrors
- Needles
- Organic Chemistry Glass Kits
- Pens and Markers
- Pestles and Mortars
- Petri Dishes
- Pipettes and Accessories
- Reagent Bottles
- Rheostats
- Round Bottom Flasks
- Rulers
- Safety
- Scalpel Blades
- Scissors
- Spatulas
- Spirit Burners and Wicks
- Spotting Tiles
- Stands, Clamps & Rods
- Stirring Rods
- Stoppers
- Storage
- Syringes
- Test Papers
- Test Tube Holders
- Test Tubes
- Thermometers
- Ticker Tape
- Timers
- Tongs
- Tripods
- Tubing
- Vernier Calipers
- Visking Tubing and Clips
- Volumetric Flasks
- Wash Bottles
- Watch Glasses
- Weighing Boats/Trays
- Wheatstone Bridge
- Wire
- Microscopy
- Physics
- Planetary and Earth Science
- Science Products
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Class Investigation Kits
- Equipment
- Ammeter
- Anemometers
- Aneroid Barometers
- Autoclaves and Accessories
- Balances
- Blenders
- Centrifuges
- Drying/Warming Cabinets
- Electric Burners
- Fridges
- Fume Cupboards
- Galvanometers
- Heater Stirrers
- Heating Mantles
- Hotplates
- Immersion Heater
- Incubators
- Joulemeters
- Laboratory Jacks
- Light Meters
- Magnetic Stirrers
- Melting Point Apparatus
- Microtomes
- Microwave Transmitters
- Moisture Analysers
- Motors
- Multimeters
- Ohmmeters
- Oscilloscopes
- Ovens
- pH Meters and Sensors
- Potentiometers
- Power Supplies
- Pumps
- Refractometers
- Ripple Tanks
- Scaler Timers
- Spectral Lamps
- Spectrophotometers
- Van De Graaff Generators
- Voltameters
- Voltmeters
- Water Baths
- Water Stills
- Weather Stations
- Forensics
- Labware
- Absorption Tubes
- Agar Plates and Powder
- Autoclave Bags
- Batteries
- Beakers
- Beehive Shelves
- Bell Jars
- Bench Mats
- Brushes
- Bulbs and Holders
- Bunsen Burners
- Burettes and Accessories
- Calculators
- Centrifuge Tubes
- Chromatography Apparatus
- Clay Pipe Triangles
- Colorimeters
- Combustion Tubes
- Compasses
- Conducting Putty/Paper
- Conical Flasks
- Cork Borers
- Crocodile Clips
- Crucibles
- Cuvettes
- Deflagrating Spoons
- Dispensers
- Dissection
- Draining Racks
- Dropper Bottles
- Dropping Bottles
- Evaporating Basins
- Filter Paper
- Filtration Apparatus
- Forceps
- Fractional Distillation
- Gas Jars and Covers
- Gas Prep. & Collection
- Gas Syringes
- Gauze Wire / Gauze Mats
- Glassware Joint Clips
- Gloves
- Inoculating Loops
- Lab Cushions
- Labels
- LDRs
- LEDs
- Lenses
- Liebig Condensers
- Magnifiers
- Masses
- Measuring Jugs
- Measuring/Graduated Cylinders
- Mirrors
- Needles
- Organic Chemistry Glass Kits
- Pens and Markers
- Pestles and Mortars
- Petri Dishes
- Pipettes and Accessories
- Reagent Bottles
- Rheostats
- Round Bottom Flasks
- Rulers
- Safety
- Scalpel Blades
- Scissors
- Spatulas
- Spirit Burners and Wicks
- Spotting Tiles
- Stands, Clamps & Rods
- Stirring Rods
- Stoppers
- Storage
- Syringes
- Test Papers
- Test Tube Holders
- Test Tubes
- Thermometers
- Ticker Tape
- Timers
- Tongs
- Tripods
- Tubing
- Vernier Calipers
- Visking Tubing and Clips
- Volumetric Flasks
- Wash Bottles
- Watch Glasses
- Weighing Boats/Trays
- Wheatstone Bridge
- Wire
- Microscopy
- Physics
- Planetary and Earth Science
- Chemicals
- Safety Materials
Light Meters
Showing 1-1 of 1 item(s)
- Ammeter
- Anemometers
- Aneroid Barometers
- Autoclaves and Accessories
- Balances
- Blenders
- Centrifuges
- Drying/Warming Cabinets
- Electric Burners
- Fridges
- Fume Cupboards
- Galvanometers
- Heater Stirrers
- Heating Mantles
- Hotplates
- Immersion Heater
- Incubators
- Joulemeters
- Laboratory Jacks
- Light Meters
- Magnetic Stirrers
- Melting Point Apparatus
- Microtomes
- Microwave Transmitters
- Moisture Analysers
- Motors
- Multimeters
- Ohmmeters
- Oscilloscopes
- Ovens
- pH Meters and Sensors
- Potentiometers
- Power Supplies
- Pumps
- Refractometers
- Ripple Tanks
- Scaler Timers
- Spectral Lamps
- Spectrophotometers
- Van De Graaff Generators
- Voltameters
- Voltmeters
- Water Baths
- Water Stills
- Weather Stations